When you can't figure out who is calling, there is online help for that as well in the form of a reverse directory. Free white pages are available to everyone who uses the web.
Looking up for person's name, address and other information by their cell number on yellow pages or public phone directories is impossible. Results include full address and phone number, current time at the location and sometimes other details like a street map. People can surf through large databases on the Internet to find names, phone numbers, and even cell phone numbers of people they want to call.
For instance, when searching for a person's name, the only detail that is required is the person's last name or first initial of their last name. All you need to do is to enter the number you are searching for, the area code and 7 digit number and the service will run through its database and return your matched results. The paid services that offer you the choice to choose annual registration and unlimited searches have large, extensive databases full of updated information.
If you really want to access such records then I believe paying a small fee is a price worth paying. I don't think it will be long before you realize just how helpful and speedy they can be.
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